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Rio de Janeiro (RJ) delstat



Rio de Janeiro delstat i Sydöstra regionen i Brasilien
Stad: stora städer är: Rio de Janeiro1), São Gonçalo, Duque de Caxias, Nova Iguaçu, Niterói, Campos dos Goytacazes, Belford Roxo, São João de Meriti, Petrópolis, Volta Redonda, Magé, Macaé, Itaboraí, Cabo Frio, Armação dos Búzios, Angra dos Reis, Nova Friburgo, Barra Mansa, Barra do Piraí, Teresópolis, Mesquita and Nilópolis.

Arkiv: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Genealogy
Länk: Rio de Janeiro (state)



Huvudstad är Rio de Janeiro (RJ) stad

Rio de Janeiro är en delstat i östra Brasilien. Folkmängden uppgick år 2014 till cirka 16,5 miljoner invånare. Huvudstad är Rio de Janeiro. Staten har 8,2% av den brasilianska befolkningen och producerar 9,2% av landets BNP.

European presence in Rio de Janeiro dates back to 1502. Rio de Janeiro originated from parts of the captainships of de Tomé and São Vicente. Between 1555 and 1567, the territory was occupied by the French, who intended to install a colony, France Antarctique. Aiming to prevent the occupation of the Frenchmen, in March 1565, the city of Rio de Janeiro was established by Estácio de Sá.

In the 17th century, cattle raising and sugar cane cultivation stimulated the city's progress, which was definitively assured when the port started to export gold extracted from Minas Gerais in the 18th century. In 1763, Rio de Janeiro became the capital of Colonial Brazil. With the flight of the Portuguese royal family from Portugal to Brazil in 1808, the region soon benefited from urban reforms to house the Portuguese. Chief among the promoted changes were: the transformation of agencies of public administration and justice, the creation of new churches, and hospitals, the foundation of the first bank of the country - the Banco do Brasil - and the Royal Press, with the Gazette do Rio of Janeiro. The following years witnessed the creation of the Jardim Botânico (Botanical Garden) and the Academia Real Militar.

There followed a process of cultural enhancement influenced not only by the arrival of the Royal Family, but also by the presence of European graphic artists who were hired to record the society and Brazilian natural features. During this same time, the Escola Real de Ciências, Artes e Ofícios (The Royal School of Sciences, Arts, and Works) was founded as well. The neutral city Palácio Tiradentes, seat of the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro. Palácio Guanabara, seat of the state government.

In 1834, the city of Rio de Janeiro was transformed into a ”neutral city”, remaining as capital of the state, while the captainships became provinces, with headquarters in Niterói, a neighbouring city. In 1889, the city became the capital of the Republic, the neutral city became the federal district and the province a state.[citation needed] In 1894, Petrópolis became the capital of Rio de Janeiro, until 1902 when Niterói recovered its capital status.[10] With the relocation of the federal capital to Brasília in 1960, the city of Rio de Janeiro became Guanabara State. Niterói remained the state capital for Rio de Janeiro state, while Rio de Janeiro served the same status for Guanabara. The new state of Rio de Janeiro In 1975, the states of Guanabara and Rio de Janeiro were merged under the name of Rio de Janeiro, with the city of Rio de Janeiro as state capital. The symbols of the former State of Rio de Janeiro were preserved, while the symbols of Guanabara were kept by the city of Rio de Janeiro.



består av


  • Angra dos Reis
  • Aperibé
  • Araruama
  • Areal
  • Armação dos Búzios
  • Arraial do Cabo
  • Barra do Piraí
  • Barra Mansa
  • Belford Roxo
  • Bom Jardim
  • Bom Jesus do Itabapoana
  • Cabo Frio
  • Cachoeiras de Macacu
  • Cambuci
  • Campos dos Goytacazes
  • Cantagalo
  • Carapebus
  • Cardoso Moreira
  • Carmo
  • Casimiro de Abreu
  • Comendador Levy Gasparian
  • Conceição de Macabu
  • Cordeiro
  • Duas Barras
  • Duque de Caxias
  • Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin
  • Guapimirim
  • Iguaba Grande
  • Itaboraí
  • Itaguaí
  • Italva
  • Itaocara
  • Itaperuna
  • Itatiaia
  • Japeri
  • Laje do Muriaé
  • Macaé
  • Macuco
  • Magé
  • Mangaratiba
  • Maricá
  • Mendes
  • Mesquita
  • Miguel Pereira
  • Miracema
  • Natividade
  • Nilópolis
  • Niterói
  • Nova Friburgo
  • Nova Iguaçu
  • Paracambi
  • Paraíba do Sul
  • Parati
  • Paty do Alferes
  • Petrópolis
  • Pinheiral
  • Piraí
  • Porciúncula
  • Porto Real
  • Quatis
  • Queimados
  • Quissamã
  • Resende
  • Rio Bonito
  • Rio Claro
  • Rio das Flores
  • Rio das Ostras
  • Santa Maria Madalena
  • Santo Antônio de Pádua
  • São Fidélis
  • São Francisco de Itabapoana
  • São Gonçalo
  • São João da Barra
  • São João de Meriti
  • São José de Ubá
  • São José do Vale do Rio Preto
  • São Pedro da Aldeia
  • São Sebastião do Alto
  • Sapucaia
  • Saquarema
  • Seropédica
  • Silva Jardim
  • Sumidouro
  • Tanguá
  • Teresópolis
  • Trajano de Morais
  • Três Rios
  • Valença
  • Varre-Sai
  • Vassouras
  • Volta Redonda
plats/br/rio-de-janeiro.rj.delstat.txt · Senast uppdaterad: 2024/09/06 01:33 av Björn