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Sebastopol (CA) city

Sebastopol är en stad (city) i Sonoma County, i delstaten Kalifornien, USA. Enligt United States Census Bureau har staden en folkmängd på 7 443 invånare (2011) och en landarea på 4,8 km².



The town currently sits atop multiple village sites. The town of Sebastopol formed in the 1850s with a U.S. Post Office and as a small trade center for the farmers of the surrounding agricultural region. As California's population swelled after the westward migration and the California Gold Rush of 1848–1855, more and more settlers drifted into the fertile California valleys north of San Francisco to try their hand at farming.

In the second half of the 20th century, the apple industry struggled to compete with other apple-producing regions and gradually declined in economic significance. With greater personal mobility and the rise of larger shopping centers in other Sonoma County communities, many residents now often commute to work and shop in the neighboring towns of Rohnert Park or Santa Rosa, while Sebastopol maintains its small-town charm.


plats/us/ · Senast uppdaterad: 2024/04/03 01:20 (extern redigering)