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Deming (NM) city

Deming är administrativ huvudort i Luna County i den amerikanska delstaten New Mexico. Orten grundades år 1881.


Deming city i Luna county i New Mexico i USA

Arkiv: United_States_Genealogy


The city is within the Gadsden Purchase of 1853, which was acquired from Mexico specifically to provide a southern route for a railroad to connect the United States with California. Deming was founded in 1881 and incorporated in 1902. The Silver Spike was driven here on March 8, 1881, to commemorate the meeting of the Southern Pacific with the Rio Grande, Mexico and Pacific (a subsidiary of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe) railroads. This was the second transcontinental railroad to be completed in North America.[6]

Deming became an important port of entry near the US-Mexican border. A nickname was given to the city at the time of its founding, ”New Chicago”. It was expected that with the surge of railroad usage, that the city would grow drastically and resemble Chicago, Illinois.

There are numerous ancient Native American sites around Deming. The Mimbres and Casas Grandes cultures made pottery of remarkable quality, and the Deming area is rich in native pottery artifacts, as well as beads, stone implements, stone carvings, graves, etc. The artifacts are now on display at multiple museums.


Orten fick sitt namn efter Mary Ann Deming som var hustru till järnvägsmagnaten Charles Crocker.

Deming var en av inspelningsorterna för filmen Indiana Jones och Kristalldödskallens rike.

plats/us/ · Senast uppdaterad: 2024/04/03 01:20 (extern redigering)