Eddyville (IA) city


Eddyville city i Mahaska, Monroe och Wapello counties i Iowa i USA

Länk: Eddyville


Eddyville är en ort i den amerikanska delstaten Iowa. En del av orten hör till Mahaska County, ytterligare en del är belägen i Monroe County och resten finns i Wapello County.

Eddyville was founded by Jabish P. Eddy, in 1841, before Iowa became a state. It was a place for trade with the Indians and for pioneers to provision and ford the Des Moines river. The first commercial coal mines in Wapello County were opened near Eddyville. Local oral history has it that a two-story house that once stood at the northwest corner of Seventh Street and Vance Street served as a stop on the Underground Railroad until the Civil War made that unnecessary. Several 'coal banks' were in operation in 1857, including the Roberts Mine, directly across the Des Moines River from town. These mines worked coal seams exposed on the hillsides of the river valley.



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  • Eddyville city
plats/us/ · Senast uppdaterad: 2024/04/03 01:27 av