Roy (UT) city

Roy är en stad i Weber County, Utah, USA. The population estimate in 2019 was 39,613. Det är en förort till Ogden.


Roy city i Weber county i Utah i USA

Länk: Roy, Utah


Previously Eastern Shoshone and Goshute land, Roy was settled in 1873 by William Evans Baker, twenty-five years after Ogden. Most of the communities to the east and south had been settled prior to that time. The City of Roy was incorporated on March 10, 1937. Joseph William Jensen was the first mayor of Roy for 6 years, as elected by the commissioners.

Businesses in Roy were limited until the early 1940s. A gas station, several grocery stores, a cafe, and a lumber yard made up the modest business district. However, Roy developed rapidly during World War II. Roy housed many of the workers and personnel from adjacent military installations, including Hill Air Force Base, the Navy Supply Depot (now the Freeport Center), and the Defense Supply Depot. September 1953 marked a milestone in Roy's history—Roy received a charter to establish the first branch bank in the state of Utah. This branch of the Bank of Utah pioneered the way for other banks to establish branches throughout the state. Norton Parker, son of Mayor Dean Parker, was the first manager of this new branch bank.


Previously known as Central City, Sandridge, the Basin, and Lakeview—Roy was ultimately named for a local school teacher's child, Roy C. Peebles, who had died. On May 24, 1894, a post office was established and Roy's name was made official.



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