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Rome (GA) city

Rome är en stad (city) i Floyd County, i delstaten Georgia, USA. Enligt United States Census Bureau har staden en folkmängd på 36 181 invånare (2011) och en landarea på 80,1 km². Rome är huvudort i Floyd County.



Rome was founded in 1834 as European Americans increasingly settled in Georgia. Founders were Col. Daniel R. Mitchell, Col. Zacharia Hargrove, Maj. Philip Hemphill, Col. William Smith, and John Lumpkin (nephew of Governor Lumpkin); most were veterans of the War of 1812. They held a drawing at Alhambra to determine the name of the new city, with Col. Mitchell submitting the name of Rome because of the area's hills and rivers. Mitchell's submission was drawn, and the Georgia Legislature chartered Rome as an official city in 1835. The county seat was subsequently moved east from the village of Livingston to Rome.


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  • Rome city
plats/us/ · Senast uppdaterad: 2024/04/03 01:20 (extern redigering)